Show him the tip. He will gulp down the whole iceberg. Yes. We are talking about Chandrababu Naidu. He has been continuing his ever avaricious, all swallowing ways in Andhra Pradesh for over four decades. He perhaps is the only politician who claims victory even in his worst defeat. None can match Chandrababu when it comes to bragging and bravado.
He became an MLA in 1978. Thanks to Anjaiah’s jumbo cabinet, he became a minister in his first stint as MLA. Later, NTR gave his daughter in marriage to him. But soon he showed that he is an all-swallowing ‘alludu.’ When TDP was formed, he soon took over the party and brought in worst form of casteism into politics. Later came a stage where he simply dethroned his father in law and took over reins of the party. Since then, a cabal of casteist, businessmen, contractor nexus flourished in the TDP. This cabal began biting into the Andhra Pradesh bit by bit.
Thanks to chandrababu, the thin like between businessmen and politicians was erased and politicians became businessmen and business tycoons became politicians. As a result, liquor mafia, sand mafia, land mafia and contractor mafia began taking over everything in the state. The state became jaundiced with yellow colour.
This cabal is so powerful in AP today and the whose state is in their vice-like grip. They dupe people and do not baulk at stabbing them mercilessly. The people of the state are today passing through the worst phase. We only have to wait for the right time and right person to end this nightmarish rule.