AP is steeped in corruption

Hyderabad: Reiterating that the State is steeped in corruption and Chandrababu shifting his focus to national politics is only a ploy to divert the attention from the worst governance he has been administering back home, YSR Congress has said.
Speaking to reporters here on Monday party senior leader Botsa Satyanaryana said, ‘ the corruption and nepotism has been so rampant in the state that he has been finding ways to wriggle out from the charges by stooping to murky levels.
The leaders of Congress and other Parties should know the real state of affairs while the Andhra Pradesh unit had recently released a charge-sheet on Chandrababu Naidu’s corruption besides criticising his governance on various counts.
Two very senior bureaucrats, who worked with Chandrababu Naidu had come out in the open to tell his tales of corruption and deceit as to how the favoured few were given contracts at exorbitant rates for building the temporary Secretariat at Amaravati and how prime land worth Rs 450 crores was given at throw-away prices counting to just Rs 45 lakhs.The national leaders should also take into view how the NREGS funds were diverted or misused to a tune of Rs 7 crores of the Rs 20 crores released, which are only but a few to mention. He has given away Rs 700 crores to a friendly media house in various forms which shows him in limelight.
The Agrigold scam has been turned into an money spinner for TDP and when the Party leaders, down the line to Janmabhoomi Committe members at panchayat level were involved neck-deep in corruption besides shoddy law and order situation, Chandrababu has withdrawn consent to the CBI from operating within the state which shows that he wants to convert the State into a haven for criminals, tax evaders and corrupt persons, he said.
The national parties should look into the credentials of Chandrababu Naidu who has a history of distorting facts, manipulating situations and rolling with opportunist prances oscillating from one side to the other without any morals or ethics, he said.

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