YS Jagan in Chintapalli on December 10th

Visakhapatnam: One way Naidu states that the tribals are given
respect and not ill-treated...however, on the other side, he continued his
conspiracy by stopping the Tribal meetings through Police commented Eeswari in
anger. She mentioned that the Tribals are in a confused and frightened state
and demanded the dissolution of the Government order. If not the coming days
will be horrible for both TDP and BJP for sure, Eeswari said.

Eeswari declared that the
YSRCP leader, the only leader who bothers about people is visiting the
Chintapalli on December 10th. YS Jagan is supposed to visit the place on
December 2nd, but realizing about the Mavoists anniversary, the program got
postponed. Eeswari expressed her anger on Naidu that taking the support of the
TDP members, Kottapalli Geeta, Sobha Hymavati, Swati Rani divide and rule
technique, for stabbing the rights of Tribals. She made it clear that YSRCP
will not stop the fight for people unless they get the justice by the
dissolution of GO. 

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